Free Bible Studies for your group or individuals

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Bible studies that have depth and application to life are hard to find. These Bible studies were designed to help you understand the nuances of scripture and apply them to your life. Each study has six or seven lessons filled with insights into scripture. They are ready to use with a two-page student lesson that you can hand out and a four-page leader’s guide that can be used to lead the group or handed out if you wish. Each lesson has an introduction that helps you understand the text, understand how it relates to you, and how it applies to your life.

You may copy the studies for local use, but please do not sell any material in these books. They are being offered freely to you, and I would ask that you respect my generosity. You may, however, share the books with others you know so that they may grow in their faith.

To get a PDF of any book, click on the title below.


Bible Studies in this Series

Old Testament Studies

Creation and Fall 6 studies to look at the creation and fall of mankind. We will look at the perfection and plan of God’s creation and how man tarnished the creation with sin.

Noah: Man and Mission6 studies on the Flood. We will see the grace of God and the obedience and trust of Noah. God makes a new beginning in a fallen world.

Storm Shelter Psalms 6 studies on some of the psalms to turn to when life hits you hard. Wrestle with the psalmist as he learns to trust the Lord in difficult times.

Revival in Nehemiah 6 studies on the second half of Nehemiah. The walls were rebuilt. Now it was time to rebuild a people who were down and distant from the Lord.

Daniel: Godly Living in a Pagan World 6 studies to encourage us as we live in a world that has become harsh to God. It will make all the difference to keep our faith in tough times.

Joshua: Making the Most of Opportunities - 6 studies on dealing with the opportunities that God gives us for ministry. Faith, not planning will be the key to success.

David: Learning God’s Ways - 6 studies on the early life of David. In these verses, God prepared him to be the man who would lead God’s people.

New Testament Studies

Jesus’ Miracles in John’s Gospel7 studies on the miracles of Jesus in the gospel of John. Each miracle has a meaning that tells us something important about Jesus’ person and ministry.

Jesus’ parables in Luke 6 studies on the parables of Jesus in Luke. We will look at the meaning behind some of these familiar parables and see patterns for our lives.

Upper Room Conversations 6 studies on the conversation that Jesus had with the disciples around the last supper table. Learn what was so important to Jesus that He just had to share it with the disciples.

Galatians: Rules versus Grace6 studies with Paul in the heart of the gospel. In an age when people want to force us to follow their rules, Paul wants us to see the power of grace.

Paul’s first missionary journey 6 studies on the conversion and first journey of Paul. See Paul as he grows and learns what the life of the Christian was meant to be.

Sermon on the Mount - 6 studies on the three chapter sermon in Matthew to help you understand what it means to live in God’s Kingdom.

Topic Studies

Power of Prayer 6 studies on the power and help that we receive in prayer. Follow the saints in their prayers and learn from them how valuable prayer can be for you.