For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139:13-14
I touched her long black hair and delicate little fingers. I stroked her cheek and looked into her eyes as she searched out her surroundings. I held a miracle in my arms and I fell in love. Such were the feelings as I held Natalie, my granddaughter, this past weekend. I marveled at the complexity of her body and saw the miracle of creation. Only God could make something so complex – a human being that breathes and can explore her world at just two days of life. How could anyone believe in evolution when they look at the complexity of the human body? Only God could make something as individual and beautiful as this.
Then I thought about how unique she is. Her black hair and cute nose and, yes, I think I see the McArthur chin on this miracle of God. God took parts of Dave and Karen and knit together a unique child. God formed her just the way that He wanted her to be. He already has a path in life planned out for her that will use the unique gifts that He has given to her. It will be a joy to watch that plan unfold over the rest of my days. It will be a delight to see the person that she will be as a child of God. She will be baptized and her parents and grandparents will see that she knows the Lord on a very personal level so that she can be all that He has determined.
I could feel God as Natalie was baptized this past Sunday. He was there at her baptism holding her and telling her and her parents how much He loved my granddaughter. I feel sad that so many children are born who will never travel down the path that the Lord has planned for them. They will not be baptized or they will be baptized and fall away before they realize that goal. They will live lives without a God who wants to wrap His arms around them. They will live without a God who wants to provide for them and protect them every day of their lives. May more children have the love of the Lord as Natalie does.