Is it ever right to pray for harm on someone who hurt you or others? Does God expect us to forget what people have done to us as well as forgive them?
Bible Insight: Psalm 137 is one of the imprecatory psalms. (Others are 35, 58, 69,83 and 109) In these Psalms, God’s people ask for judgment on their enemies. Psalm 137 asks for God to punish the Edomites who cheered when the Babylonians captured the Jews. Even more shocking is the call for repayment against the Babylonians who seized their babies and dashed them against the rocks. Why God would allow such language in the scriptures is not hard to understand. His people were in pain and they were asking for justice. They did not want to take justice into their own hands lest they become as evil as the people they were asking God to punish. Better to let God deal with evil while they lived out their lives following His ways.
Evil is still all around us and God wants us to lay evil’s fate in His hands. It is still all right to pray that God deals with the shady politician or the next door neighbor who treats you badly. If we try to bring justice, we often become as evil as they are and get caught up in a spiral of evil where each person retaliates for the wrong that was done against them until it spirals out of control. I would make one addition to our prayers. Maybe we should pray for the Lord to change their heart with the gospel when He has broken them with the law. How nice it would be if that enemy could one day be a fellow Christian friend because God broke their spirit and then healed their heart.
This and That: The book, “32 days with Abraham” is out and is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats. I am thankful to all those who have let me know how the devotions are helping them. I have also heard of several who are going to use the free 12 study Bible study that is in the book for a small group in the fall. They like the advantage of being able to copy the student lessons for the members of the group so that only those who want to buy a book do so. That just warms my heart. The purpose of the book is to get people into the word of God and help them to get to know Abraham personally instead of just knowing him as a vague superman character in the Bible. If you want a sample of the book, just click here.
I am currently working on the second book which should be out in September. This book, “32 Days with Christ’s Passion” will have the same format of 32 devotions and 12 bible studies and cover Jesus’ life from Palm Sunday to Easter. The focus is to see that the cross was Jesus’ passion in life. He wanted to save us so much that He gladly devoted His life for that purpose. My hope is that if the book comes out this September, people can use the Bible studies and follow the devotions during lent. The 32 days of devotions could easily be covered in the time from Ash Wednesday to Easter.
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